Saturday, May 22, 2010

I am afraid of dogs they scare me ?


I have bad experince with dogs when I was kid

I still afarid of dogs

I am afraid of dogs they scare me ?

people in USA let there dogs come to me without laesh them

what can I do those people

I dont know but I cant blame dogs but people must take responecple with there dogs ?

what can I do to protct myself from dogs as self defence

what can I do if dog chase me for no reasons ??
1. Calm down and get a grip of yourself
2. Never run from a cannot outrun them.
3. Stay calm.they sense your fear and react only because they know something is wrong.but not what it is.
4. Allow yourself time to slowly get to know and befriend some dogs. You will see how wonderful they are.
5. You have a mental problem that you need's affecting your life and that's not good.
Dogs can tell you are afraid. You need to try to be calm don't even look at the dog if you don't have to act like it doesn't even bother you. If the dog approaches you put your hand down as if you were going to shake his hand and let him sniff the back of your hand then maybe try to pet his head if he doesn't growl or anything then just keep on your way.
dogs can sense fear and if you run they will chase you its in there nature the best advise i could give you is to go to your local canine association and attend dog training so you can become used to being around well behaved dogs and owners but most importantly do not let the dog know you are scared of it as they are a pack animal and will try to be the leader of the pack and that is your job remain calm and assertive do not run stand your ground
why don't you go to a pet shop or humane society a few minutes at a time and start out with a really small puppy and spend some time petting it. It will take a long time, but you need to face your fears. They will never go away if you let them have control over you. And if you meet up with a strange dog, do not look into their eyes and do not run from them. Dogs can sense that you are afraid, so you need to learn to get over that fear first.
First off you never run from a dog. If a dog attacks you drop down and get in the fetal position to protect your face and any major parts of your body. Secondly, if a person is walking their dog without a leash it is against the law and you can go to the police if that dog poses a threat to you. Never ever show a dog you are afraid of them. They can sense that and they will use your fear to intimidate you. If you see a dog that is loose but not running after you walk on the other side of the road. If you want to get over your fear of dogs try visiting an animal shelter often and get to know the dogs so they won't scare you so much. I have 3 dogs and I had been bitten by a little dog once but I would never let that hold me back from having a dog.

Good luck.
Dogs can actually smell your pheremones, and know you are afraid of them.
Some dogs may take advantage of this fact.
Don't run from an un-accompanied dog that comes at you.
Instead, run towards it yelling at the top of your lungs.
You are bigger and louder than most dogs, and they will literally "turn tail and run". Don't try this with a police dog or a trained guard dog, though. They have been trained to attack.
Im serious, here. I wouldnt want you to get hurt, and if a dog chasing you catches you, it might do just that. Try to find a dog that uou feel comfortable around, and get to know it. This will desensitize you to the automatic categorical fear of them you feel, and help you to not smell scared.
hey being a cat i'm terrified of them they hate me wish i
could scratch their eyes out

not realy but i to got bit when young to get over the
fear i found a friendly mut for a pet.worked for me.
I was really scared of dogs all my life, too. When I first came to US, all the friends had dogs in their house when I visit, I really hated it. But I love dogs so much now, after getting a cute puppy a few years ago. He had been my best friend ever. I recommend if you cannot have a dog yourself, maybe visit pet shops or humane society in your town and touch small puppies and then try letting them smell your hand to bigger dogs. Normal dogs don't attack you unless you are bothering their territory. If you run, they chase you because they think it's a fun game. If you encounter a dog you are scared of, don't look at them and calmly walk away. Even the dog comes after you or bark at you, just ignore and pretend like nothing is there. They will lose interest in you. It is very important that you get used to dogs and not show them you're scared. Most dogs are people-friendly and they just want to play, so don't be so nervous.
Everyone should have a healthy fear of dogs. But you should find someone with a super super friendly dog and work on getting over that fear.

Yes pet owners are very irresponsible when it comes to letting their dogs walk up to anyone. I don't do this because I know there are people like you who don't care to have my dog sniffing them.

But do work on your fear.
It's a shame that you suffer with this problem because it's causing you to miss out one of the purest joys in the worldthe love of a dog. There is no love on Earth more unconditional and giving than the love a dog has for it's master. I'm truly sorry that you have to miss out on this.
When I was small, I was afraid of dogs too, but when I get to know them more, I find that most dogs are friendly and love to be with people. For small dogs, there is nothing to be afraid of. But if u encounter big and fierce-looking dogs, try to remain calm, avoid having direct eye contact with them, and don't run or they will chase after u. Just keep walking naturally.
Try kicking the dog and yelling. Do not kick the dog hard, just enough to scare him. If it is real bad, ask the owner if you can use pepper spray on their dog. Dog owners usually understand that this needs to be done and will allow you to cause pain without injury to their dogs to protect yourself, themselves, and their dogs. The dog will probably have a change of heart after using pepper spray on him.

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