Friday, May 8, 2009

How can i teach my puppy to go on the cat toilette?

I got an 8 weeks mini pinscher puppy. But i live on the third floor so i tried to go outside after she ate or drinked. But she can't hold it. So we got her a cat toilette because she is so little. When she wakes up we put her in there and she pies. But after she ate she just sits in there and looks at me. Then she just runs around but we don't always catch her doing something. I heard about stuff like dumping her nose in * but i don't agree with that kind of stuff. Can somebody give me some good advice?
I have 3 dogs in an apt. and my female Shih-tzu is litter box trained. Her breeder started all the pups using a litter box (filled with newspaper) and we just continued it. He started them using it by confining them to a small are (like the corner of a kitchen) and spreading newspaper all over the puppies area (little squares like the size of a normal sheet of paper). You put the puppy's food and bed on one side then a little litter pan on the other side. As the puppy wets or messes on the paper, you pick up these sheets and place them into the litter box (removing the poop first of course). Don't replace the sheets you remove. As you start to accumulate more sheets in the box, you can start to take out the older ones. Eventually the only papers that are left are the ones in the box and hopefully the puppy will go into there to relieve itself. If the puppy fails to use the paper and pees or poops on the bare floor start all over from the beginning by spreading the whole area with paper again. We had to re-train our little Shih-tzu like this again when we brought her home, and only had to repeat the process one time before she started going in the box every time. Now that she is older, she does go outside when the other 2 dogs go for walks, but she knows that if I don't get home on time that she doesn't have to hold it and can go to her box. The thing that amazed me the most was about a month ago when my 9 yr. old LabX had some tummy troubles and had the runs while I was gone and was smart enough to figure out to go in the litter box :o) She's never been taught to use the litter box, but has watched the little Shih-tzu use it and not get in trouble for going in there..hehehe.
To litter box train her, take her to the box shortly after she eats, when she wakes up, and after or in the midst of play. Put a leash on her if you need to to keep her focused. If she doesn't go, let her out, but take her back again in 15 minutes or when it looks like she is about to relieve herself (sniffing the floor, circling, starting to wander off, pacing). Praise her and give her a treat when she goes in the right place.

A crate is a great way to prevent accidents. She is less likely to eliminate in the crate when she will have to be so close to it. She should be in your sight anytime she is not confined.

As this age she does not have the muscle strength to control her elimination. That will not happen until she is about five months old. Plan on cleaning many accidents between now and then.
Here's my advice: you shouldn't be living with a puppy or dog in an apartment. Use common sense; buy a house or get a cat.
Using the litter box for a dog? I havn't heard of many things like that. Maybe it could be done. There are more expensive things you can buy, like a grass square where he/she can go.
To answer your question, go to
that is weird. I would get a cat or like another person said buy a house.. or get those doggie pads for indoors those work great

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