Sunday, August 2, 2009

how to tell if a dog's preggers?

ok yes I'm a dog owner n00b. My Buffy's nearly a year old and started having illicit relations a couple months ago. I've got her in a secure area now, but she seems to be getting alot fatter than when I put her in there. I've noticed that her nipples are all big and pudgy now too. I don't have any money to take her to a vet so please don't even suggest it. I know that'd be the most effective answer, but does anyone know any other ways to find out?
touch her under the rib cage if she is visibly bigger the pups will be big enough to feel or if they arnt if her tummy is hard she might as well be. another reason is she could have tape worms they swell the somtach and cause immense pain. if you do not feel movement meaning she is pregnant you should find a way to get her to the vet.
Feel her belly. You can usualy feel the puppies. Otherwise she may not be as active.Maybe e-mail a breeder and ask how they can tell.
i'm a vet tech for an animal clinic. There is no def. way to tell if u don't want to take her to the vet, the best way to tell is to just watch for nipple enlargement, and abdomin swelling. as she gets further along it will get easier to tell. gestation period is 63 days.
it really seems like it you might be able to talk to a breeder and get suggestions from them on how to tell or call a vet and tell them your predicament
It's generally not a good idea to have a pet if you can't afford to take care of them. If you had an ill child or your teen got pregnant, would you not take them to the doctor, just because you cannot afford it? That's not very fair to your pet.

But since you're already in the situation, your best bet is to take it to a vet. As someone else said, depending on how far along your dog is, you may be able to feel the puppies (please be gentle when checking, as you could hurt one of the puppies), but your dog should be checked out if she IS pregnant, just to make sure she's healthy.

Call around your local area (check the yellow pages) for a vet who will do an exam for a low cost or free of charge. There are also vets who will spay your dog for low cost or free of charge, after she does have the puppies (or if she's not pregnant). Please be a responsible pet owner.
She is pregnant. I have been through dog pregnancy SOOOO many times! (and I'm only 14) Some vets won't charge you just to say yes or no.just FYI..but I am 99.9% sure she is pregnant.the other .1% could be anything though. Just wait, and see.if her nipples are bulgy, and are lactating and have been for at least a week or should be able to feel the puppies! Congratulations!
Getting fatter and bigger nipples is defenetly a sign, But it will be hard to tell untill she is far enough to feel puppy movement. You said a couple months ago, if it's been 2 months she should be having them soon and you should be able to feel movement, Dogs are pregnant from 63-67days some going as soon as 58days especially in a small breed or large litter. You can also squeeze her nipple to see if anything comes out. If there something does squeeze out, then there should defenetly be movement.

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