Sunday, August 2, 2009

How to train dogs?

I have two pups.. well my bf and I fight over how to teach the dogs. He believes in rubbing their nose in to their poop and whipping them and throwing them outside.. how ever I believe in doing putting papers down and placing their poop on the paper and they start to go there?? I hate to hear them whine and cry when he smacks them.. How do we house train puppies properly? Also they don't come back when you call how do you get them to mind us?
Your bf has everything wrong. Rubbing their nose in it does no good and is cruel.they have no reason why he's doing this. Hitting does no good, unless you want a fear biter when the pups get older.

To potty train them, take them out every 30 minutes and bring treats with you. As soon as they go, treat them (even while they're still peeing) and tell them how good they are. Make a really big deal out of it. Keep an eye on them and if you see either one sniffing the ground take them out immediately. Same thing if they go to the door. Soon they will realize to go to the door to go out.

As far as a recall, you need to have very high value treats (whatever their favorite treat is). Start from a distance of about 1 foot and call their name and say come. The minute they look at you tell them how good they are, making a big deal about it. Have the treats ready and the minute they get to you give them the treat. Start close, and over a couple of weeks, you can get further and further away. Taking them to puppy kindergarden would be good for them and should help you and your boyfriend learn the proper way to train the dogs. Good luck.
Watch the Dog Whisperer
If he does that to defenseless dogs, I wonder what he'll do to you and your children if you two get that far.

Just go out and walk your dogs once in awhile.
send them to a qualified dog trainer.
take the pups oput every 15 minutes and agter they eat take them out in 5 minutes - they will soon get the idea = when they do go to the bathroom outside remember to PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE
Run it over with a car.
Well i don't agree with dog abuse, however he has the right idea. I have trained a house dog and did that ..just not smacking them. I put her nose in it and yelled no, then put her out/. It worked , only took a couple of days doing that consistently.
Why would they want to come back when called when they get their noses rubbed in it when they do?

You will find this an interesting read

well first and for most no one should ever hurt an animal for any reason. as for as training you are doing the right thing with the news paper. I have six dogs all successfully house trained, you just have to be patient. take them outside alot. i dont know how old they are but start with 30 min. also pretty generally if you see them drinking take them out when they are done maybe 10 mins or so. i broke up with my ex because he hit his dog. you know it is wrong, your puppies cant speak for them selves, you should speak up for them. hope this helps.
I have 2 puppies too. They are smart Jack Russells and it took 12 weeks to train them.
The hardest part is deciding which pup "did it" 'cause they don't tell but they both look guilty and you never want to punish the innocent one.
The answer is to take them outside often especially a half hour after meals and just before you go to bed. And get up and run in the mornings. Shout "pee and poop" as you go outside so they get to know what you expect.
If you do catch a guilty pup, drop an empty pop can (with some wee stones in it) on the floor beside the mess and shout NO! the combined noise scares pups a lot and works good. I think that was the best thing I finally did.
Cheers and good luck
Two words: Puppy Class (PetCo, Petsmart, etc). You can't tell who learns more, the dog or the owner. Plus, then your pups get socialized which solves 90% of adult dog problems. It's been clinically proven that negative reinforcement (whipping, physical violence) slows training and causes distrust between dog and master, which pretty much destroys the heirarchy you're trying to create. Trust yourself, and go to puppy class, with or without the bf.
Crate your dog at night but get up every couple of hours to let them outside.
During the day if you work then they stay outside. When you get home watch them every time they get up. As soon as they start to sniff around to go, grab 'em and put them outside. When they go outside, tell them how good they are with praise affection and a little treat if you wish. If you do not think that you can wathc them all the time then take a leash and leash then to you in the house, that way you will know where they are at all times. This watching the dog also minimizes the dog eating your house when they teethe. Hitting the dog does nothing but make the dog crazy and/or confused. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but dogs are a lot of work.
You are both wrong and he is a complete and umitigated moronic ignorant cretin, and that behavior will get him arrested for animal cruelty..

(1) Get a crate so they can sleep in their at night -line it with newspapers and put a blanket in one end for a bed.

(2) Fed them on set schedule

(3) Take them outside immediately after they eat, after they drink a fair amount, every two hours, etc. Praise them.

(4) If they are loose, always watch them if they start to assume the positon,grab them and say NO NO and rush them to their newspapers. Praise them.

(5) During the day if you aren't home, confine them in an area where they can go in and out of their crate and cover the entire area with newspapers.

Puppies can not control their urination and defecation for more than a 2-3 hours until they are well past 6 months. And then it isonly for 4-6.


Well why would they come to him? Any sensible dog would get as far away as possible.

You don't say how old there are. If they are under 12 weeks, use a very tiny collar and light nylon nylon when you take them out.


Here is an excerpt from notes I give clients:

He is not too young to start come. I train service dogs as well as obedience dogs and they start "come" or the idea of coming to me as soon as they can toddle to me. I have the dogs solely onto hand signals by 20 weeks for heel, down, sit, stay, stand and come; and start introducing retrieve work around then.

A 3 month old can die under the wheels of a car jsut as easily as an 18 month old. Do not let him out loose and teach come ASAP.

To get him use to his name, always use his name when talking to him. like "Sam, dinner" "Sam want to go out" "Sam, get your toy" "Sam is a good puppy, Sam is a cutie" -pet, cuddle

Step 1 - go get a leash and collar. Do not take the puppy outside without out. PERIOD. Get a 6 foot leash.

Step 2 - Go to the hardware store. Get 3 lengths of ¼ inch to 1/2 inch soft nylon line – 20 foot, 50 foot and 100 foot. Get 3 snaps. Tie the snaps on one end and make a loop handle on the other.

Start with the 20 foot line. Use a slip collar that is fitted so there is 3 fingers of space between the dog’s neck and the collar or if less than 16 weeks, you probably can and should just use a flat collar since he isn't big enough to get you off balance or resist you.

Hook the line on his collar. It would be great if he knew sit and wait - so start working on teaching. (If you don't know how, get thee and him to a puppy class now.).

Put the leash on the collar. Step back 3-6 feet. Crouch down, clap your hands, and in happy, high-pitched voice, say "COME -puppy, puppy, [his name] come, that's it come" The idea is to coax him and keep reusing his name and come and happy sounds. Make it sound fun, Make it sound exciting - and if you feel silly, oh well.

You will eventually teach him sit and wait and do a more formal come but lets get him moving.

If he ignores you, keep talking like that but use the leash to reel him in to you. When he gets to you, voluntarily or involuntarily, pets, hugs, tummy rubs and praise.

You DO NOT want to teach your dog that if he comes, he gets food. Two problems with that. (1) Some day you'll forget the food, he'll come but not get anything and the next time he'll figure why bother, she broke the deal so I don't have to. (2) What happens the day he decides he would rather chase the rabbit than get the treat? He is off after the rabbit.

You want to establish early on that when you say 'come", he is going to come - whether he wants to or not. Come is NEVER optional. If he does it on his own when called, he gets petted and praised. If he ignores you, he is going to get hauled in willy-nilly. Getting dragged in is not comfortable - and while you are dragging (after he knows what come means) you will be scolding him all the way with Come, Don't you dare mister NOW, COME, using a deep voice - make it stern. His choice - first version or second version.

Right now he doesn't understand that what "come" is or that you think his name means that he should "come" - and that is a bad idea anyhow. Use the word for what you want him to do - come, sit, down (which is not 'sit down" but 'lie down'.)

Once he will always come wiggling over to you - and I have never met any puppy I couldn't get to do that in less than hour or so, you can use all those long lines for greater distance.

When he comes over a distance of 5-6 feet, move back to 10-12 feet using the 20 foot line and call him.

Repeat this process until he is working on the 100 foot line.


When you say “come” and he doesn’t, haul his backside into you using the line repeating “come”, “come”.

When he gets to you – willingly or unwillingly, praise and pet and make a big fuss and tell he that he is such a good boy. Tummy rubs and scratches work a treat on young puppies

Never ever ever call a dog to you to punish them once they get to you. If you have to make a correction, go to them. By the way, contrary to the misconception "punishment" is not beating the dog. It can be a verbal scolding in an angry tone, frowning and gettng stiff as you scold or making them do what they were told to do. It is a correction.

.Clickers are just flat stupid - they are for people who are too dumb to figure out how to quickly say "GOOD DOG" in a happy, excited voice.

You always have your hands and your voice. Use them

Now petsmart does obedience classes - not that great but better than nothing.

Go here to find an all-breed kennel club in your area for help in finding good obedience classes - even 2 hours or more away, they still would have an idea of who teaches obedience near you: All breed clubs Obedience clubs Training clubs
Get rid of your boyfriend (Creep) These dogs do not need that abuse. I hope his mother smeared and poop in his face when he was a baby. THAT IS ABUSE! Your dogs will get very scared and their confidence is zero! They will be very dumb, not to mention they do have emotions. Give them to someone who will love them and NEVER ABUSE they do not know. They need to hear no! as soon as they do it Not 5 mins after. Good boy ! when they get it right. Along with hugs and treats!Praise your dogs..everytime they pee outside lots of treats!

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