Sunday, August 2, 2009

How would an older cat deal with a new puppy?

My family is considering getting a puppy. But we have a 10 year old cat who has been the only pet for almost all of his life. Do you think the 2 pets would get along? Would the cat just be miserable? Any information would be helpful.
hello there,

I have three full grown cats and just brought a puppy in. Some people say you should seperate them for awhile but I dont believe in that because then they dog gets more curious and might do more damage then if you just let nature take its course.

When I brought mine in I kept in on a leash for a week with the cats inside the house
1. so he wouldnt chase the cats
2. its easier to potty train that way to till he gets use to his new surroundings.

I never forced the animals together. I let the cats come around in their own time. My first two cats wouldnt come around the first 24 hrs. But when the cats saw they could get close to the pup and he wouldnt chase them they would come over and sniff him and I would let the pup sniff them. I let that go on about three days. I took him off the chain then but when I saw him chasing the cat I would swat his behindh or nose with a newspaper not very hard and tell him bad boy. I dont want him chasing my cats at all .

They are getting along great now. Now when he gets into a playful mood he will get to them once inwhile but the cats can defend themselves. All it takes is the pup to get to close to the cat and the cat gets him with his claws on his nose. It might take a couple of times but the pup will learn to respect the cat.

I have always brought dogs in with cats and its just the first three days or so that are the worst but in the end they live in harmony together.
it might treat it as if it was a kitten
unless he enjoys playing with dogs he may not be too happy, but he will be fine, just be sure to pay attention to both pets if you decide to get a puppy, when we first got our puppy (my pic) my boyfriend had a 12 year old cat, he was not very happy at all but they both learned neither was goin anywhere and they both got their attention and they are both happy
We got a new puppy after having two cats for a year. They get along just fine, except for when the dog gets in their faces. He's only curious and only wants to play, but as long you keep an eye on the dog and cat when they're together, things should be fine, especially if he's little. He might get hissed at, but if he/she does, just pick them up and move them. Or pop them once lightly on the nose and tell them 'no' firmly and he'll never bother the cat again.
I've seen some pretty funny stuff. My aunt brought a puppy home and her cat chased it around the house all afternoon. After that she wapped him up side the head, then began to clean him like it was her kitten. advice- try to get a puppy that hasent teathed yet. Introducing a teathing puppy to a cat could be a little difficult.
The worst that the cat could do is scare the puppy. its been 3 years and my cat still rules the roost in my home.
the cat will be scared at first, after awhile she will come closer to you and watch the puppy a lot.Just as long as you keep padding the cat, an paying attention, she won't take off. Just give the cat as much love as you give the puppy.Don't be surprise they might eat from the same dish.

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