Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Would You Handle This Dog Issue?

Hello! I am wondering what you would do with this situation. We moved into our home about 7 months ago. The people behind us keep a dog outside. They seem to be without much money. I am concerned because it has fallen rather cold where we live and I don't think the dog has any bedding in its house. I went today and purchased some straw to give them. I have never really spoken to them, but I would feel better if I knew the dog has some warmth this winter. Should I just take it over %26 leave by the doghouse? Should I knock on the door and say I wanted to pass it on to them for their dog? I would hate to see it wasted (used for decoration, sit outside all winter, etc). I don't care honestly if they are offended.I would rather the dog be warm than worry about someone being upset with me. How would you go about this? Thanks!
Be direct, If they love their dog they will appriciate it. If they are neglectful, maybe they'll be less so ,knowing you are keeping an eye out.
You could try leaving an anonymous letter with it voicing your concerns and leaving the hay for them?

Another suggestion would be to call your local Humaine society to investigate whether they are providing adequate housing(shelter), food, water for their dog.
Bring it over and tell them what you bought it for. If they get offended and won't take it, call animal control/thehumane society/aspca, whoever is responsible for animals in your area, and tell them that the dog doesn't have adequate shelter from the cold and let them handle it from there.
Neglect is abuse call animal control or your local police, if someone doesn't the dog will die!!
Leave it alone because even if you do the right thing the neighbors will hate U
I would contact them and just make some excuse like the bale of straw was just lying around and you thought they would like to use some for their dog.

Even say if you want that you used some for yours and this was the left over and you didn't want it going to waste. Even tell them you will help or put it in the dogs house yourself if they don't want to bother.

Whats a little fib as long as the dog is getting taken care of. And if all else fails and it comes to a life and death situation with the dog. Ask to take it from them of call the right lawful animal police.

Good luck
I would call the local Humane society and explain the situation. Apparently, the real dumb animal lives in the house.
I would take over the straw and introduce myself. Just let them know you love animals and hope they won't mind if you spoil theirs a little. Then just check on him and make sure he's okay. Ask them about allergies or anything in case you want to take him treats.
stick a blanket or sweatshirt in the dog house late at night.
if you are on good terms w/ the dogs owners maybe express your concern in passing like "is it ok for dogs to be outside in this weather? i was thinking of getting a dog but blahblah."

call the aspca if they don't do something though.
ok i would go over to them and say that u got some hay from some one and u would like to give it to there dog for the dog house and tell them that u are just trying to keep the dog warm this winter u should also start talking ot them so they dont think that u are wanting the dog sompeople think that so just go talk to them and tell them that u hada idea about sing hay to keep him warm this winter
I would knock on their door and tell them that their dog is freezing, see what they say,if they do nothing, them call Animal Protection and ask them to talk with these people.
I would tell them that I had hay left over and wanted to give it to someone who had a dog. That way they wont take it to offense.
well first give them the courtesy and inform them of your concern and then give them the straw. They shouldnt be offended, they should be ashamed for leaving the dog outside in the cold. If they dont act on it, call the humane society. People who cant take care of their dogs (or any kind of animal) should have their dogs (or animals) taken away from them. They (these people) should be left outside in the cold. this issue ticks me off so bad, sorry..
Why the heck would you you buy Straw to keep a dog warm?
Here is what I would do: take a blanket or two, knock on their door and say "I got new, don't need this old, don't want to throw it out, thought your dog might like it at night. Okay with you??
I just want to share a little bit of experience in regards to phoning the SPCA. I live in Ontario (the regulations may be different where you are or have changed since this happened) and a few years ago we had a neighbor who also left his dog outside the majority of the time. As it got colder we too became concerned. We called our local SPCA and they told us that they can not do anything if the dog is provided with some kind of shelter ie; a dog house or even just a covered area. This dog we had called about did have a covered area in his pen.

I'm not sure what happened to the dog after that. The neighbors moved a little while after. I just wanted to share that if you decide to call so that there are no surprises if that is the answer you receive from them.

It's very sad when people decide to buy a dog and then leave the poor thing outside. Dogs need human interaction or become mean and then whose fault is it really when the dog bites someone?

I have nothing to add about what you should do about the straw. All the suggestions mentioned are great answers.

Good luck!
I agree with Revansbane.
I would probably go next door and say :" Hey, I bought this straw and I don't need it afterall, can I put it in your dog's house for him?" This way, you can be sure that you are being polite, inconspicuous and the dog is getting to use the straw! Good Luck!

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