Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how come my chihuahua doesnt know how to.?

my 7 mon old female chihuahua knows how to use a leash my she doesnt lead the way how can i teach her
Chihuahuas are very smart dogs %26 will manipulate their owners into doing what they want any chance they can get!

Chihuahuas are not big walking dogs %26 if you are using a collar with your leash you should switch to a harness right away because they have very, very delicate necks that can get strained %26 injured easily. That may be why she's giving you a hard time, cuz she's uncomfortable.

It takes patience but you can train your dog to walk on a leash, on your own without having to pay for expensive dog schools.

This is an excellent site that gives training techniques %26 tips for different breeds of purebred dogs:

Just choose your Chihuahua breed %26 away you go!!
That is how I trained my baby boy Chi, Hennessy to walk on a leash the way I wanted him to. I eventually even litter trained him.

Good Luck!
You can pull her along for a little while each day but don't choke her. Then eventually she'll start to lead the way. That or you can get her trained at petsmart and they will teach your dog how to lead while walking her and they will teach her tricks. My friend got her dog trained there and her dog doesn't even need a leash. The dog just leads her the way it wants to go and it doesn't run off or anything. I think I'm gonna take my chihuahua there.
put her on the leash and walk and dont pull just keep saying come on come on in a happy voice so she knows what u mean and that its good that shes doing it

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