Friday, July 31, 2009

how to teach a dog to bark on command?

hi i was wondering how to teach a dog to bark on command as that would be very useful to me
Have some of your dogs favourite treats at hand. If you have any cue you know of to get your dog to bark that you and he have learnt naturally, use this to get the dog to bark initially, so..
1. old cue (something he already barks for i.e. 'who's there')
2. give him treat

do this a few times then introduce a new cue, i.e. 'speak', so..
1. new cue (speak)
2. old cue ('who's there')
3. give him a treat

You will then eventually fade the old cue out, so..
1. new cue (speak)
2. give him a treat

It shouldn't take long, do lots of short practices with it, dogs love it when they realise what it is you want them to do for the treat. Clicker training is very good and rewarding too.
Use treats and he will soon catch on
hi I have trained only one of my dogs to do this, but my other dog rolls over.
It take patience but what I did was sit with bits of her fav food and gave her the command "speak" once she was sitting and paying attention. If she made any noise but stayed still I gave her a treat. In about 4-5 days of praticing with her for 1/2 hour a day she started to bark so she gots lots of fuss and lots of treats. I carried on doing this everyday (and please do not do it at the same time of the day ever day otherwise you will have an alarm clock not a "speaker") for another 5 days, everytime she barked. Now I say speak and she speaks wether I have a treat or not.
Hope this helps.
You shouldn't do that.

Dogs are animals that deserve respect, they are not trophy playthings you know.
I have taught my dog to:
- Speak
- Whisper
- Talk
You should:
1) have plenty of treats on you!
2) start with speak. if you start barking, your dog is going to too, when your dog barks, say 'speak, goodboy!' and give him a treat. Do this multiple times, your dog will soon catch on.
3) do the same above but whisper bark, when your dog barks sofly, say 'whisper' and give a treat, repeat.
4) now work on 'talk' get your dog to bark several times by using the same above method. Give treats, and repeat.
My black lab learned this very easily, but every dog is different. Good luck!
I did this by giving my dog a treat and plenty of praise and kept saying the word speak when he barked. I stopped the treats and kept on with the praise and using the word speak and eventually just using the work speak was enough to get her to bark. to get the dog to bark initially I would use something to get his attention, like knocking the door or rattling the letter box, something that he barks at on his own.

It will take a few days but it is fairly easy.
Treats in combination with an action causing the dog to bark and saying "speak", or whatever trigger you want to indicate this action, should help teach it.
Only one of my two will speak on command and she learned it from her first owner - I adopted her. A friend of mine had a Boston that would only "speak" on command for her dad, no one else. He started teaching Midge by lunging at her to get her to bark, otherwise she really only barked at the neighborhood cats when they came into her yard.
This will sound silly but I used treats and I would bark at him till he barked and I would then give him the treat. He caught on in within a few treats.
go to your local library and consult a good dog book.also.maybe find a dog trainer who can assist/help if you wish
Thanks for asking this question.

I can't get my two dogs to speak on command to save their own lives. They are stubborn. We've sat many many times, on a daily basis, with me barking and saying speak, having my son ring the doorbell and knock on the door. They just stare at me with their cute little eyes and tails wagging.

~Sigh~ Guess we'll have to keep working at it.

Good luck to you and thanks everyone for the advice!
At the time your dog is barking (for whatever reason), keep repeating your command and giving lots of praise/treats.your dog will soon catch on. You need to be enthusiastic and be persistant. and reward only while the dog is actually barking ---timing is very important.

I think using the command "say" instead of speak is better. It's a cool trick to be able to get your dog to say thankyou or say goodbye!

Good luck!
easy peasy. Every time the dog barks, you say "speak" then praise him and give him a treat. You will also have to teach him to stop barking on command though.

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