Friday, July 31, 2009

How to over come fear when there is a stray dog that had her puppies under a truck in the street.?

I want to move the puppies to a safer place, but I'm afraid she might want to bite me. What to do?
What a fantastic person you are for caring so much ..
she might not know it yet but that's a lucky mama dog

Is she friendly ? If she is see if you can make friends with her enough to get a lead around her have someone else hold her while you get the puppies . then take them to a safe place

If there is any delay in rescue
I would suggest you flatten the tires of that truck and maybe block the sides that are open to passing traffic to insure it does not move till something can be done about her and her little family

dont give up on her
Call 911! say there is a stry dog with puppys under a car in the street!
Call animal control and let them do have no idea if this animal has diseases that could hurt you.
she probably will.
Be careful!!
If you can steal the puppy when she's away, that'd be best
Let the moother sniff your hand first offer her a treat then pick one up one at a time.
Call animal control.the mother will f you up if you come near her and those puppies
You should try to lure her out with meat or something else. Then she will trust you. When you are sure she trusts you, talk to her and calm her down. Then, slowly ease towards the puppies and take one. Show her the puppy and calm her some more. Then slowly take the puppy to a safer place and let the mother see where the puppy is. Keep repeating the process until all of the puppies are safe.
You need to call the humane society or animal control--if you don't want the dog put down try an animal orginzation that will help with out putting the animal down.
Call animal control. You have to be careful with stray dogs. She may not realize that you are trying to help her and she could become viscous and you could be injured.
I would call animal control first thing, then try to get her to away from the truck, amke sure she can trust you, and then SLOWLEY, try and take a puppy at a time, BUT MAKE SURE THAT SHE REALLY TRUSTS YOU!! if u can't get her away, or u don't feel she trusts you then just wait, feed them, and make sure that the animal control don't get lost cuming to your house!:D good luck!

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