Friday, July 31, 2009

how to protect dogs against bugs ??

I keep mine inside mostly except for bathroom breaks and walks for exercise. Keeping him inside also protects him from the bear, coyotes, etc.

He is far to social and needs to be part of the 'pack' plus I don't like getting eaten by mosquitoes or stung by yellow jackets so I figure he doesn't either.
If you mean fleas, get Frontline or other brand of back of the neck application meds. It's only a monthly treatment and works great.
front line is the best kind around
Go to the vet and get them their boosters or get more information from him.
well..for my dog i take him to the vet and the vet gives him a vaccine.i dont remember its name but it works perfectly.heres how it goes-the vaccine makes the dogs blood u kno tasteless and works for 6months and my dog is really free of worms so whenever i touch or stroke him i kno i have nothin to fear.
Topical spot on treatments for fleas and ticks.
For flys they make a stuff called SWAT or Flys Off it is a paste that you smear on the ears or what ever and it repels flys.
For illness have the vet do the yearly shots.
spray anti-bug spary on their body.
I have a dog. I give him garlic every day and he's 12 years old and never had any kind of bugs 1 clove a day keeps the bugs away.
Get them frontline and put garlic in their food. this will keep away mosquito's, fleas, ticks, flys and that sort of bug. :o)

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