Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you get the dog pee smell out of hardwood floors?

Nature's Miracle will do the job, and is available at most pet supply shops.
You wet the floor with the enzyme cleaner, and leave a paper toweling over it, for 10 minutes.
ur a dog y dont u teach him ao ao ur always chasing cats
Vinegar works wonders! Then do a double sweep of your favorite wooden floor cleaner.
mop the floor. Add bleach dish degergent, and some 409 should get it out.
spicy mustard.the vinegar will get the smell out and eventually go away
We literally pour Murpy's Oil Soap onto the floor and wipe it in.
That helps the floor, but we are budgeting to get it refinished in a few years(2 small dogs in a "contest").
You have ruined your floors my dear.

If urine sits for a long time the ammonia permeates the wood grain. They will have to be refinished.
Pinesol lots of it !!
lemon juice or vinegar works. just spray with a spray bottle and let soak. i've also bought a little pricey 19.95 starter kit. but guess what it WORKS!
Take the floors out and replace them.
Natures Miracle (all natural pet product found in almost all petstores)

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