Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you keep a dog from getting jealous of a new baby?

When the baby is born - before you bring it home from the hospital - bring home some of the baby's articles this way the dog can get used to the new smells. Also - let the pup smell all the new articles coming into the house before the baby is born (crib, car seat, Etc)
of course, they get jealous just like cats do when new babies come into a ouse because the attention is shifted. watch carefully that they bond well not in a jealous dangerous way.
Show him love and companionship!
introduce the dog to the baby. don't stop showing your dog affection when the baby gets here.
just like a person, try to spend more time with need to assure your dog that the new baby is not replacement for conscious of not ignoring him
A way that you can keep your dog from getting jealous is give it just as much attention as the baby.
Put him outside.
** what kinda ? is this
Bring in a doll for weeks before th baby is born, and, for a few days, pet the dogs only when you hold the baby.
This depends upon what type of dog you are talking about. Small dogs always seem to get more jealous than big dogs. You just have to let them know that you are going to still give them attention. You can hold the baby while giving attention to the dog.
There is no way to know that off hand for every animal is different. The object is to not break a routine that is already kept with the dog.
Chances are he will be jealous. Just like if you had another child, you need to include the dog in all the preparations. Perhaps bring a doll into the home. Carry the doll like u would a baby, prepare the nursery and let the dog explore. Let him know this will not be a place for him to play, just a place for the baby(doll).

Give the dog as much attention as you can. Always remember to do special things with the dog(walks, taking him outside, playtime, etc.). Perhaps cut out some activities, just get into a routine of 2 or 3 each day, whatever you figure you'll be able to swing when baby arrives!

Good luck with this!
Hope i've helped :)
Make as much fuss over the animal as if he was the child. He/She will soon learn that they are not forgotten or pushed aside
depends how old the dog is. depends on if the dog is alpha in family at present. if young they tend to accept there position but observe them to see how they interact . if dog is mature and believes it is "top dog" then u may get tension but usually if the dog has a master(not sexist) it will learn quickly and respect the hierarchy of the family. dogs normally base this, on food rationing so if baby eats first or with you and dog is fed after (this should always be the case) they will assume a more submissive position..

hopefully any dog u have will already be being trained by you/its master and in these situations you are less likely to have a problem
ptu the dog an dthe baby in a room together for about 10 minutes and the dog will grow to like the baby.
I disagree with some of the answers here. You need to make sure you send a strong message to your dog that the baby is more important than he is.. that the baby, as well as you and the rest of the family are "the pack leader" .

Don't even let the dog in the room where the baby is without permission. When I enter a room, my dog NEVER goes before me. always after me - I present myself as his leader. not the other way around. Even though you love your dog (I have one too), the dog only knows what you teach him. they have no sense of right and wrong - except when they are corrected and rewarded.

Remember, dogs are not decision makers - they are happiest when firm parameters are set for them. They have no concept of tomorrow or love (the way you love them). He knows when he's near you, he gets affection (reward) - so he goes near you. Don't humanize him by making him equal to the new baby.
Buy a doll that cries, I know that sounds crazy, but it actually works very well, hold the doll they way you would a baby, put lotion and a diaper on the doll to get the dog familiar with those scents.

Before you bring baby home, bring home a blanket the baby was wrapped in, so you dog can smell it, and know the smell.

When the new baby comes home, be sure to take time to love up your dog, so he doesn't feel like he's being neglected.

best of luck!

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