Wednesday, July 29, 2009

how can you train a wild dog to run of leash?

my dog is silly and crazy and always runs away when off leash what can I do to train my dog not to run away
Hi use a long line so you can call him/her in %26 if he/she is not coming to you start to bring the line in.always talking softly to the dogs %26 repeating the come command but never harshly as this is a command you are trying to get the dog close to you.

If you use the command in a harsh tone this will more than likely result in them going away from you.

Working with the dog all the time start to bring the line in %26 when the dogs is brought all the way into you then lots %26 lots of fuss %26 rewards.repeat a few times %26 always finish on a good one.

NEVER lose your temper or shout %26 if things are not going well quit for a break %26 have a coffee.calm down %26 start again but on no account should you get will come to work but you have to work at it %26 sometimes it can take awhile.sometimes it helps to change the command you are using for something else as in some cases they link the word to a bad memory.

I have one such dog who was beaten after returning when she had run off from her previous owners %26 I had to change the command to HERE %26 not COME.Regards Jake
get a doggie harness

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