Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How cold does it have to be before fleas die off?

Unfortunately the lifecycle of fleas are non stop. They live by feeding off of the blood of a warm blooded host ( dogs, cats, rodents, birds etc.) lay their eggs on or near that warmth and then the eggs hatch and are again drawn toward the warm blooded host to feed, lay eggs.
The "host" has to be treated to get rid of them as well as it's home and bedding. The CYCLE has to be broken to kill them off.
So fleas really never die off because the temperature drops below freezing.
Just think how miserable that poor "host" has to be!
sub zero, probably.
it feels good
A lot colder than this unfortunately and then the eggs are dormant until it warms up again :(
below 0
i have no clue
please do not freeze your dog to find out. get to a vet and buy some frontline then treat your household furniture and bedding and dogs bedding and the floors. good luck.

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