Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can we make a dog ferocious and agressive?

How can we teach you not to be an idiot?
thats fucked up. im not even gonna tellya cause more then likely youra * with intensions ona hairy steak.
why would you want to do that?
Well, if you do find a way, I hope he attacks you in your sleep, you worthless human being. I hope you die in a fire.
a boy in my neighborhood just got attacked to death while teaching his two pitbulls to fight..they completely tore apart his body, then they started chasing after the boys parents, they had to lock themselves in the bathroom until the police came to rescue them..i think if anyone deserves to die, that boy did.don't do it!!
Y do you wanna make your dog ferocious and aggressive?

Let me tell you something buddy, if people tease you, hits you, dislikes you, dont care abt you since you were small, when you grow up you'll be ferocious and agrresive. Same goes for animals, they r living beings too. They have brain, heart and other organs like us. A ferocious dog is not a happy dog, and when you are keeping a unhappy living being wth you bcs of your actions tht wht we call Sin. Trust me mate, heaven and hell is here in the earth, wht you do you will get back. If you think tht having a wild ferocious dog is cool, then think again. Dont be a wacko, think properly, a live of a living being is involved here.

I hope you will make the right decision.
Don't FEED it. TIE IT UP, NO WATER giveit a kick now and again

I bet there joking LET UP
Hi if you have no idea on how to train a dog then you shouldn't even be thinking of training a dog to bite.the only dogs that are trained to bite that are not a danger to others are dogs in service.

There is nothing clever in having a dog that bites when you have no idea on how to control the animal you are in charge of.

If you want to look big go to a gym %26 work out but don't involve a animal into the equasion coz it's not smart nor clever.just plain dumb.Regards Jake
Depends on the breed.
You can bite him and I'll bet you he'll bite you back.
Disturb a dog when it is taking food, also try to snatch that food..



Hopefully, while you're trying to figure out how to do it, it'll bite you in the butt (literally) and run off to live with a happier, much more loving family.

Karma, its a bizatch. Maybe you can learn that one day.
Chain that dog and Fuckk its mate, I mean a bittch, in front of it !
It will be ever - ferociuos..
WHY? thats cruel
Unfortunately, it's easy, especially with ignorant and immoral beings like you allowed to live and own helpless animals. You may not get caught right away, because it's not IF you get caught, it's WHEN you get caught.
I know myself and many others that would inflict double the pain you may cause any animal. You poor thing, I forgot that the people that hurt animals do it because they are cowards, wimps, and weaklings in mind and body. You really should seek psychiatric help so you will feel better about yourself and not feel the need to be cruel to animal.
Find another activity that you can do that isn't illegal, immoral or life threatening. You may need a different group of friends to hang with.
Don't do anything. It sounds like you're already well on the way to spoiling that poor animal.

For your information, having a guard dog isn't the same thing as having an aggressive dog. Are you suggesting that human security guards are angry and ferocious people?
1. Take him to obedience class so he learns how to obey you.
2. Give him lots of exercise. Hiking and games will build his lean muscle mass.
3. Feed him a high quality pet food.
4. Keep him with you a much as possible so that he can always protect you.
5. Expose him to a lot of people and other pets when he's young so that he learns not to fear them.

Do all this and you'll have a potentially great protection dog who will protect you with his life.
Why would you want to. Even if its a guard dog you wouldn't want to make it ferocious or aggressive. Whats the matter with you?
I wouldnt do that, eventually oneday that dog will turn on you!!
are you serious? if you want a good watch dog you don't have to make it ferocous and agressive. i have a 2 yr old boxer/pitbull mix and he's very friendly to everyone (except cats!) and eventhough he's a sweety, he can sense a bad person or a bad situation. he want's to protect me and my family just as much as i want to protect him. just build a strong bond with the dog and it'll naturally happen. he's a great watchdog because he can sound and look crazy when he needs to!
May your doggy pee on your leg daily.Its idiots like you that have breeds banned
do the world and your pet a big favor and find him a new dog owner ; one who will be a responsible pet owner for the sake of the animal and society. What is wrong with you trying to get an animal to do your bidding or to make you look strong and feared. I feel sorry for you - it is not the dog that needs training. It is YOU!
Go get some counseling before you do damage that you can't undo; the dog will have to be put down and suffer and you - well time will only tell.
P.S. for those of are giving thumbs down - you need to get counseling too! and for those of you assisting, you are idiots as well ; You shouldn't even be giving advice in the pet area b/c you are not a pet lover but rather an animal abuser to give advice on how to accomplish this ; you don't have the right to mistreat an animal for your benefit no matter what you feel the benefit is - protection - get an alarm ; be responsible for someone /something other than yourself; pick on someone your own size and stop trying to make yourself big and bad by dominating an animal - I know that real animal lovers are behind me on this one
Why would you want to do that to a dog?
Grow up and treat your dog with love and respect
I can not stand people like you, you shouldn't even have a dog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to tell you like this. This guy or lady might want there dog mean and I don't see anything wrong with that. Everyone is not fortunate to live in a quality neighborhood. Some live where people want mind stealing your dog or anything for that matter. Imagine u paid 4 or 500 hundred dollars for a dog and someone took him. I believe if a dog let somebody take him is a dog not worth having but to answer your question, If u want a mean dog get someone that's not you to agitate him repeatedly, do not abusive or hit your dog but play with him rough, I also suggest keeping him inside and away from people until he's a 18 months and walk him in a secluded area where there's no people
