Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How can you break a dog from always trying to grab whatever it is you are eating/trying to eat, especilly kids

Our dog is a chow hound, everytime you rattle plastic, he thinks youhave food, and he either tries to get it or just sniffs around. We have a 4 year old in the house now and we really want to break him of this habit. Please help!!
If you are eatimg kids, the dog is the least of your worries!
obidience classes
put him in a kennel in the garden!
A firm no - no and then push his head away - if nothing works after months of repition of the same exact word and movement when he does it, may want to take him in for some training.. we had labs that did the same thing.. but reinforcement and repition is the basis of all training so try the same things - all of the time.. no no - and push away his muzzle.
a rolled up newspaper and stop feeding him people food
Correct his unwanted behavior with a leash and choke chain. If he jumps up to snatch something, a good firm YANK will do. If he keeps doing it, eventually he'll catch on that it's not acceptable behavior the more you correct him. That's what chokechains are for. If you have a small breed, then don't yank him too hard. Just a quick firm one.
Go in another room when you are opening something that will make noise.
smack em on the nose pretty sharply everytime he gets close. put it outside. it will take the kids hand with it someday. i saw a kid get his scotum bit by a dog trying to get the sandwich he layed on his lap.
Obedience classes help, so does a spray bottle or squirt gun. Keep it handy and give him a squirt, in the nose or in the butt works great, whenever he does something you do not want him too. Cayenne pepper is a great deterrent as well. If your dog is scrounging for food, he could have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, most dog food brands are little more than filler, which leaves them hungry and craving what they are not getting.
We have a dog who does the same thing so when my granddaughter is eating I tie him to the front doorknob with his leash. There's no training him.he's a food maniac.
look then square in the eye and in a strong commanding tone say
" (dogs name) Get Down!"
if that doens't work get a small toy squirt gun fill it with water preferably room temp, and when the dog does it again say get down again but squirt its nose. eventually the doggy will get it.
thats how i got mine to stay down. Everyonce in awhile they try and be sneaky but they listen when i tell them to get and stay down. Good luck.
I think you need to ignore him when he comes looking for food. Say you rattle the plastic, and he comes running. Just stop what you're doing, and I'm sure he'll lose interest fairly quickly when he sees that there's no food. If you're eating something at the table, ignore your dog. Don't even look at him. If the dog jumps on you, turn your back to him, and don't pay any attention to him until he stops his behavior. Then reward the dog when he's being good.
The way you worded this leaves it open for one of my bad puns, so I have to answer.

Stop trying to eat kids.
water bottle
if he starts nosing your food, smack his nose. may seem cruel but they think "sniff-people-food = pain" It's that simple.
Or you could put him in another room during meals so he doesn't have that opportunity.
When you find the answer, let me know, I have the same problem with my 11 month schnauzer :)
How old is the dog and how did he get this way? You evidently have allowed him to get away with this behavior.

I have my dog trained to one thing. If he is naughty all I have to do is ask, "where is my water?" Then I go toward the water bottle. He will stop doing whatever it is quicker than I can get my hands on the bottle..It has been the most wonderful training tool in the world. The funny part of it is, I don't think I have sprayed him more than twice. I don't understand it but it works.

My daughter stopped by tonight and my dog loves her. He grabbed a hold of her pant leg and wouldn't let go. I just said in a normal voice, " get the water, he is a naughty boy." He dropped off her leg immediately !

Try it. If you are going to use it on a regular basis, please remember to dump the water weekly and add fresh so it doesn't get old. Good Luck.Be consistant.

Obedience training

Crate him or put him outside when eating

Watch Cesar Milan The Dog Whisperer on the History Channel
Whatever you do DO NOT HIT HIM hitting an animal only leads to a bad tempered animal. Repetition works best no matter what method and when you tell him NO be firm stand straight and let him know that you are the boss not him. I would also say that putting the dog in a separate room when you eat would be helpful. praise and reward your pooch when he's been good. But remember you are his master not the other way around that's where most people go wrong.
watch the dog whisperer on tv.or get one of his videos. You actually don't have to hit a dog..

Be persistent..
Put the dog out with his own food while you are eating. As for other times, tell him to sit and give him a toy or throw the toy. Try
to make it something he can play with a not keep bringing back.
If the dog is old obedience training is all the more difficult.
Personally (and in particular because you have a young child) I would put him outside at meal times.
If you feed him outside (or just a bone to chew on) at the same time he will be occupied with his own food.
Eventually he will settle into this routine and come to expect it.

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